Fire Sprinkler System Design Services
As a cutting-edge firm based in the NY-NJ area, Upright Sprinkler Design, LLC has been creating both simple and complex fire sprinkler plans since 2016. We’re passionate about providing quick, code compliant sprinkler plans that speed your projects through the design phase and into installation. Take a look around  to learn more about our work and what we can do for you.
Upright Design, Upright Service
Upright is more than just a type of sprinkler. It's a way of conducting business; of keeping promises, of providing quality services and of meeting deadlines. At Upright Sprinkler Design, LLC we'll make sure your project goes up right. We're a small firm, dedicated to the design of fire sprinkler systems for all types of projects, including Commercial, Industrial, and Residential both large and small. We also design systems for high-rise buildings, warehouse storage, retail and historic sites.Â
We provide quality code compliant sprinkler plans that speed up approvals through building departments, ease the installation for sprinkler contractors, and provide all necessary documentation for inspections and project closings. Give us a call today.
(Check out how a fire sprinkler works - See below).
Disclaimer: Any and All hardware and/or software and digital files used for design or to produce the end product(s), remain the sole intellectual property of Upright Sprinkler Design, LLC and is not offered, sold or otherwise distributed in part or whole of any service, contract or business dealing. All rights reserved © 2017 by Upright Sprinkler Design, LLC.

Successful Partnerships

3D Sprinkler System Design
We designed our fire sprinkler plans with a modern, clean look that is both practical and informational. Our 3D System Design offers ease of review by local authorities speeding up the permit acquisition process, saving you time and money.

3D Coordination Plans
The benefit of using state of the art CAD design is the ease of coordinating MEP trades before you hit the project floor. We design to impress and judging by the reactions of our clients, it manages to do just that. Our designs make sure to provide vital information all trades can rely on.

3D Installation Plans
We provide accurate code compliant fire sprinkler plans for a wide range of fire sprinkler installation contractors. We provide sprinkler plans, hydraulic reports, material packages, pipe fabrication plans and reports and other essential documentation for each project.
Any and All hardware and/or software and digital files used for design or to produce the end product(s), remain the sole intellectual property of Upright Sprinkler Design, LLC and is not offered, sold or otherwise distributed in part or whole of any service, contract or business dealing. All rights reserved © 2017 by Upright Sprinkler Design, LLC.